Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This is my first blog in a while. I am sorry to those who have let me know they were waiting for a post with baited breath. To those I say... BREATH

It is funny. There was a day several years ago when I was preparing to take my first karate test. I was very nervous because I had no idea what to expect. A friend who was a brown belt at the time, came to me and asked if I wanted some advice for the test. I was eager to obtain his words of wisdom. He then quietly leaned over and whispered very seriously into my ear, "When everything seems to be hard and everything is all confused and you can't remember which way is up, remember to breathe! Just BREATH!"

I've remember those words and applied them to my life on more than one occasion. Now for instance, as I quickly tried to finish my paper before it's due tonight, I keep telling myself to just breathe. It's funny how something so simple can be so meaningful. This little tidbit of advice is useful in lighthearted situations as well as very serious situations.

As occupational therapist. I hope to apply this little gem to my practice both in reminding myself, as well as helping my clients. as is true of a lot of occupational therapy, it's reminding people of the obvious things that are so difficult to see.

So I send you for with this little piece of advice, "when everything seems to be hard and everything is all confused and you can't remember which way is up, Remember to breathe! Just Breath!"

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